Friday, February 07, 2014


Share it Please
At first it was the hype of hiding something you didn't want them to know just because, you think that they might not understand it. That for your own reason, no one, especially those whom you trust the most, will never ever get it and see it in your own point of view.

But then slowly and inescapably, you began being that. You tend to adopt all these deceptions and distorted facts lurking around you and your newly established cosmos. And then, gradually, you're somewhat confused about everything.

Two options is all you've got but can you manage to choose or figure which is which?

Is it the "Truth"


Is it still part of your plausible "Lies"

Now think about it.
Does all these made up fictions still unreal to be reasonably cover up with what's "the" reality and what's not.

Think and think.

O what truths and deception could bring...


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Ally D
An ordinary girl living in an extraordinarily crazy world. A Peacemaker. A Love Advocate. An Art Lover And Generally UNCLASSIFIABLE
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