Sunday, June 03, 2012

The 10 Day TV Challenge: Day 3

Day 3: Three Families [that I love]

#1 The Salvatore brothers from "The Vampire Diaries"

Who wouldn't love the Salvatore brothers? Stefan and Damon Salvatore were the main cast in the CW TV series entitled, The Vampire Diaries. With their looks, charisma and oozing hotness who can ever refuse to not like them? There's no one of course. But if I were to choose who between them I'm gonna pick? I would choose Damon, and it'll always be Damon! XD, because his bad boy image is just so so so irresistible. Though Stefan is your typical nice, gentleman guy Damon's braggart and rebel-like personality swoons every woman in the Mystic Falls even his brother's girl, Elena, had been [somewhat] captivated by him. What will happen to this love rumble and triangular relationship they have? well, we should all find out on the airing of Season 4 this year also. <3<3<3

Presenting, Stefan and Damon Salvatore

Take your pick.. =">

#2 The Spencer family with Gus Guster from the TV series "PSYCH"

This is a semi-investigative and comedy series by USA Network. Shawn Spencer uses his ESP in solving crime cases together with his best guy buddy Gus Guster. The two of them forming the quirkiest and the most humorous tandem in town. Without even noticing how perfectly matched they are, the two compliment whatever the other one does that makes them funny and the whole program entertaining.

I think they will be airing another season but I'm not sure when but you guys should check them out.. :-bd ;)

Henry Spencer [Shawn's dad] with Shawn and Gus, Psych's main casts

Here's the most epic and comical duo with again Shawn's dad.. =))))))

#3 Snow White's Family in the TV series "Once Upon A Time"

It's a TV series by ABC in which it narrates the fairy tale story using the other views and connecting it to other tales but the series focuses to Snow White's world and how the story book's world got affected by the Evil Queens's spell, in which she promises that the characters will never have a happy ending again [which is a big BOHOOO!] but... not until Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter, Emma, comes in. It is said that their child would be the one who's going to break the curse. Will Emma be able to break the spell? Well, I guess, we should all find out by watching the series.

I love how ABC present the different children tales without even ruining the content and plot of it. I admire how they do that. And also the unknowingly close relationship between Snow White [which in the modern world is Mary Margaret Blanchard], Prince Charming [David Nolan in the present time] and Emma Swan , in which the truth is they are all family. That's one reason why I love watching the series, well, except to Henry's adorable-ness of course... So I think you should check it out. =D.

Snow White, Prince Charming and Emma Swan [their family pic, I guess? =))]

The whole cast of the TV series Once Upon A Time

>>>>So that's it! My top 3 favey TV series family. I hope you all enjoy it!! Let's see each other again for my Day 4 challenge. =D. Thanks!!!!


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Saturday, June 02, 2012

The 10 Day TV Challenge: Day 2

DAY 2: Two Moments That Made You "CRY"

1. It was when Watson grieves and mourns for Sherlock's [fake] death...

This is in BBC's Sherlock Holmes series season 2 on the last episode in which it only airs three episodes per year.

BBC's Sherlock Holmes and John Watson

Sherlock Holmes then, finally meet his sole rival James Moriarty, who was very obsessed in surpassing Sherlock. The two then decided to have a man-to-man fight to be able to figure out who is the best among the two of them. And by saying that, it only means that one of them must die and the other, who will live, will be named as the "greatest. 

In the end, Sherlock defeated Moriarty leaving him the last man standing. He then realizes that to be able to keep his one true ol' pal, John Watson, live at ease and be safe he must die. And so, Sherlock calls Watson, while he is standing in a building's rooftop, saying he just wanted to leave a note for him and that all his genius deductions we're all part of his tricks even when the time he and Watson first met [but I just don't know what kind of trick or magic he used on that. Anyway..].

With this Watson may have sense that there's really weird and a kinda-not-so-good-idea is currently moving  and plotting in Sherlock's mind but before he even make a move, Sherlock jumps from the rooftop making a suicide scene before Watson's eyes.

Sherlock jumping from the building's rooftop

From then on, Watson started seeing his therapist again and was really depressed on what happened to his friend.

It made me cry because his [Watson] contains a lot of meaning and that you can really feel how much it affected him and his world. He even wishes that Sherlock should already end the game he is playing and that a miracle will happen, that his friend will come back into life again. *awww! It really made me cry.* Good thing he is really alive and what's going to happen next? We should all find out on the series' comeback in 2013.

2. When Elena told Damon that it's always gonna be Stefan [moment]... </3

Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries

On season 2 episode one of The Vampire Diaries in the ending of this episode there's a scene wherein Katherine appeared right in front of Damon as she tries to seduce him again and as the sensual stuff is going on, Damon stopped as he suddenly raised a question to her saying he really wanted to know her answer but before Damon actually ask it to her Katherine figured it out already answering it directly without even hearing his question. She then told him that she was never been in love with him because it was always Stefan. And with that Damon got a hard blow in his face keeping him standing there silently and not moving.

Next was Damon then decided to go to Elena's house, particularly to Elena's room [still carrying the thoughts that Katherine never loved him and that it is his brother whom she really love]. He then asked Elena the same exact question he wanted to ask to Katherine insisting she [Elena] feels something, [even if it's just a pint it'll do] about him but Elena was kinda confused and puzzled because she didn't know why was Damon acting like that. Damon who's still emotionally unstable and still can't grasp the thought that Katherine didn't ever loved him, forces Elena to kiss him but Elena managed to get away from his hold and told into his face once again that the one she's in love with was not him but Stefan and that it's always gonna be Stefan. *Ouuuuuch! heartbreaks. World crumbling for Damon.*

In that scene I could really feel Damon's heart breaking and he was really lost, confused and don't know where to go and what to do... T_T. Team Delenaaaa!!! \m/

Team Delenaaaaaa!!!! <3<3<3

>>>>>>so here yah go, that's my two tear-jerking moments. Watch out for my Day 3 challenge for the continuation of my 10 Day TV Challenge... It was nice sharing these to you. See youuuuuu!!! :* 


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Ally D
An ordinary girl living in an extraordinarily crazy world. A Peacemaker. A Love Advocate. An Art Lover And Generally UNCLASSIFIABLE
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